GHEC Bilingual Lecture | The World Has Changed: From St. John’s to NYU Shanghai
Monday, April 24 | 4:30-6 PM | S309 or
Speaker: Professor Zhang Jishun, Professor of History, Senior Researcher at Si-Mian Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities, ECNU.
The NYU Shanghai-ECNU Center on Global History, Economy and Culture will hold a lecture today! Professor Zhang Jishun from ECNU will give the speech. Provost
Joanna Waley-Cohen will be the chair of this event, Professor
Chen Jian and Professor
Zuo Lala will serve as the interpreter and commentator.
IMA Speaker Series | Using Machines to Teach Music – An Artist Talk with Daniel Chin
Tuesday, April 25 | 12:45-1:45 PM | N306 |
In this talk, Daniel will present his Ph.D. research: an AI-empowered music tutor with a systematic curriculum design. In this project, he is using AI and a 3D printed skeleton to “control” human fingers to better learn to play the flute. The study promises to be the new paradigm of music education in the AI age. Note: Daniel Chin is a former IMA student and current Ph.D. student in Computer Music at NYU Shanghai.
Library Workshop | Enhance Your Zotero Skills
Tuesday, April 25 | 3-4 PM | W506 |
Join our advanced hands-on Zotero workshop to learn how to organize your library efficiently using tags, take advantage of new note-taking features, and select and utilize plug-ins to enhance your Zotero experience. This workshop is designed for participants with basic knowledge of Zotero, including saving and editing references. If you are new to Zotero, please
download it before attending this advanced session.
Poetry Madness Final Four: Who Will Win the Contest?
Only 4 remain! Now with new poems representing each poet added into the mix, take a look at who you think deserves to be crowned as NYU Shanghai’s favorite poet this Poetry Month.
Vote for your favorite poet by April 28! Visit the whiteboard on the 5th floor intersection of North building and West building to learn more about each poet!
Hundred River Review: Call for Submissions!